Vorige week 2 fietsen via Velib gehuurd.
Bij thuiskomst was er 2x 150 euro afgeschreven.
Hebben jullie ervaring hoe lang er overheen gaat voor de borg minus verhuur eindafrekening in orde komt?
Je creditkaart staat borg voor € 150,00, maar dat wordt weer keurig netjes teruggestort binnen maximaal 2 weken, mits je de fiets correct hebt ingeleverd.
Zie de site van Vélib;
The deposit is essentially a guarantee to ensure users behave responsibly, avoiding thefts and bike loss, and to encourage users to return the bike within a 24-hour period maximum.
If the bike is not returned by then, the deposit will be collected.
The deposit (150€ not debited) is secured the registration of your bankcard details by the Ingénico© system when you enter your bank detail on the website. In the event of failure to comply with the General Conditions of Access and Use, the totality or a part of the amount of the deposit (150€) may be debited from the registered credit card. There must be sufficient funds in your bank account to in order to hire a bike.
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